生物评论周报第149期:Cell Stem Cell:解析人类巨核细胞的发育过程


1、Cell Stem Cell:解析人类巨核细胞的发育过程


2020年12月18日,来自中国医学科学院周家喜、刘兵、石莉红等研究人员合作在《细胞—干细胞》杂志上发表了题为“Decoding Human Megakaryocyte Development.”的研究结果,解析人类巨核细胞的发育过程。



Fig 1 |来源:Cell Stem Cell









1.A comprehensive single-cell transcriptomic landscape of human MKs is constructed

2.MKs show cellular heterogeneity with distinct metabolic and cell cycle signatures

3.CD14 +MKs with immune characteristics are generated along a distinct trajectory

4.THBS1 is identified as an early marker for MK-biased endothelial cells from hESCs


Despite our growing understanding of embryonic immune development, rare early megakaryocytes (MKs) remain relatively understudied. Here we used single-cell RNA sequencing of human MKs from embryonic yolk sac (YS) and fetal liver (FL) to characterize the transcriptome, cellular heterogeneity, and developmental trajectories of early megakaryopoiesis. In the YS and FL, we found heterogeneous MK subpopulations with distinct developmental routes and patterns of gene expression that could reflect early functional specialization. Intriguingly, we identified a subpopulation of CD42b +CD14 + MKs in vivo that exhibit high expression of genes associated with immune responses and can also be derived from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) in vitro. Furthermore, we identified THBS1 as an early marker for MK-biased embryonic endothelial cells. Overall, we provide important insights and invaluable resources for dissection of the molecular and cellular programs underlying early human megakaryopoiesis.


(评论:首次在单细胞尺度解析了人胚早期巨核细胞的异质性及发育规律,揭示了巨核细胞在不同胚胎造血位点的特征差异。 同时整合人胚及人胚胎干细胞研究模型,发现巨核细胞的命运决定可能比之前的认知更早。这些发现对于人类巨核细胞发育的理解提供了新的视角,为体外血小板再生策略奠定了理论基础。)



Hongtao Wang, Jian He, Changlu Xu et al, Decoding Human Megakaryocyte Development. DOI: 10.1016/j.stem.2020.11.006. Cell Stem Cell:最新IF:21.464


2、Cell Metabolism:非经典的谷氨酸半胱氨酸连接酶活性可以阻止铁死亡


2020年12月23日,来自美国莫菲特癌症中心Gina M. DeNicola研究团队在《细胞—代谢》上发表了题为“Non-canonical Glutamate-Cysteine Ligase Activity Protects against Ferroptosis.”的研究结果,发现非经典的谷氨酸半胱氨酸连接酶活性可以阻止铁死亡。



Fig 2| Cell Metabolism









1.Cystine starvation induces γ-glutamyl-peptide accumulation in NSCLC cells

2.GCLC catalyzes γ-glutamyl-peptide synthesis via a GSH-independent mechanism

3.NRF2 protects against ferroptosis via γ-glutamyl-peptide synthesis

4.γ-glutamyl-peptide synthesis prevents ferroptosis by reducing glutamate stress


Cysteine is required for maintaining cellular redox homeostasis in both normal and transformed cells. Deprivation of cysteine induces the iron-dependent form of cell death known as ferroptosis; however, the metabolic consequences of cysteine starvation beyond impairment of glutathione synthesis are poorly characterized. Here, we find that cystine starvation of non-small-cell lung cancer cell lines induces an unexpected accumulation of γ-glutamyl-peptides, which are produced due to a non-canonical activity of glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic subunit (GCLC). This activity is enriched in cell lines with high levels of NRF2, a key transcriptional regulator of GCLC, but is also inducible in healthy murine tissues following cysteine limitation. γ-glutamyl-peptide synthesis limits the accumulation of glutamate, thereby protecting against ferroptosis. These results indicate that GCLC has a glutathione-independent, non-canonical role in the protection against ferroptosis by maintaining glutamate homeostasis under cystine starvation.





Yun Pyo Kang, Andrea Mockabee-Macias et L, Non-canonical Glutamate-Cysteine Ligase Activity Protects against Ferroptosis. DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2020.12.007, Cell Metabolism:最新IF:22.415


3、Cell Metabolism:揭示摄入高果糖的危害


2020年12月22日,来自美国纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心Kayvan R. Keshari和Michael G. Kharas研究团队合作在《细胞-代谢》发表了题为“High Fructose Drives the Serine Synthesis Pathway in Acute Myeloid Leukemic Cells.”的研究结果,发现在急性髓样白血病细胞中高果糖诱导了丝氨酸合成途径的开启。



Fig 3| 来源:Cell Metabolism


研究人员发现白血病细胞的果糖代谢可以通过靶向丝氨酸从头合成途径(SSP)来抑制。不同于高葡萄糖的情况,在富含果糖的情况下,与其对应的正常细胞相比,白血病细胞更加依赖于SSP。该代谢途径由氧化还原辅因子NAD+/ NADH的比率介导,并且增加的SSP通量有利于谷氨酰胺生成α-酮戊二酸,即使在缺乏葡萄糖的情况下,白血病细胞也可以增殖。在高果糖情况下,抑制SSP途径的限速酶PHGDH可以显著减少小鼠白血病的发病率,从而证实了SSP在白血病细胞代谢可塑性中的重要作用。







1.AML cells proliferate in glucose-deprived environments with fructose supplementation

2.Fructose is mainly metabolized through hexokinase, not ketohexokinase, in AML cells

3.AML cells upregulate the serine synthesis pathway in fructose-rich environments

4.PHGDH inhibition in high-fructose conditions markedly reduces leukemia progression


A significant increase in dietary fructose consumption has been implicated as a potential driver of cancer. Metabolic adaptation of cancer cells to utilize fructose confers advantages for their malignant growth, but compelling therapeutic targets have not been identified. Here, we show that fructose metabolism of leukemic cells can be inhibited by targeting the de novo serine synthesis pathway (SSP). Leukemic cells, unlike their normal counterparts, become significantly dependent on the SSP in fructose-rich conditions as compared to glucose-rich conditions. This metabolic program is mediated by the ratio of redox cofactors, NAD +/NADH, and the increased SSP flux is beneficial for generating alpha-ketoglutarate from glutamine, which allows leukemic cells to proliferate even in the absence of glucose. Inhibition of PHGDH, a rate-limiting enzyme in the SSP, dramatically reduces leukemia engraftment in mice in the presence of high fructose, confirming the essential role of the SSP in the metabolic plasticity of leukemic cells.





Sangmoo Jeong, Angela Maria Savino et al, High Fructose Drives the Serine Synthesis Pathway in Acute Myeloid Leukemic Cells,DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2020.12.005, Cell Metabolism:最新IF:22.415




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