2024年6月26日,来自武汉大学殷昊团队在Cell 在线发表题为“Amplification editing enables efficient and precise duplication of DNA from short sequence to megabase and chromosomal scale”的研究论文,该研究开发了一种名为扩增编辑(AE)的基因组编辑工具,可以在染色体尺度上精确地进行可编程DNA复制。AE可以复制20 BP到100 Mb的人类基因组,大小与人类染色体相当。
研究开发了一种名为扩增编辑(AE)的方法,以可编程的方式精确有效地复制基因组序列从20 bp到100 Mb。由于复制大小从20 bp到约8 kb不等,AE可以多次复制以生成多个副本。AE复制1 Mb的效率为73.0%,复制100 Mb的能力达到染色体尺度(人类14号染色体的大小为107 Mb)。通过AE复制100 Mb,该研究观察到染色体的表型延伸和长臂上标记基因的重复。复制是精确的,全基因组测序和连接的深度测序证明了这一点。AE是一种能够高效、精确地设计染色体结构的基因组编辑工具,将精确基因组编辑的版图从单个基因座扩展到染色体尺度。
•AE achieves duplication of 20 bp to 100 Mb with high efficiency and precision
•AE generates multiple repeats with duplication ranging from 20 bp to 8 kb
•Mb-level duplications have been realized in embryonic stem cells and primary cells
•AE treatment can upregulate expressions of non-coding RNA and a coding gene
Duplication is a foundation of molecular evolution and a driver of genomic and complex diseases. Here, we develop a genome editing tool named Amplification Editing (AE) that enables programmable DNA duplication with precision at chromosomal scale. AE can duplicate human genomes ranging from 20 bp to 100 Mb, a size comparable to human chromosomes. AE exhibits activity across various cell types, encompassing diploid, haploid, and primary cells. AE exhibited up to 73.0% efficiency for 1 Mb and 3.4% for 100 Mb duplications, respectively. Whole-genome sequencing and deep sequencing of the junctions of edited sequences confirm the precision of duplication. AE can create chromosomal microduplications within disease-relevant regions in embryonic stem cells, indicating its potential for generating cellular and animal models. AE is a precise and efficient tool for chromosomal engineering and DNA duplication, broadening the landscape of precision genome editing from an individual genetic locus to the chromosomal scale.
Ruiwen Zhang,Zhou He ,Yajing Shi et al, Amplification editing enables efficient and precise duplication of DNA from short sequence to megabase and chromosomal scale. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2024.05.056 Cell